Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees currently comprises 9 members. The Board members are responsible for the overseeing of the operations of the congregation as set forth at the annual meeting. The Board positions are President, Vice President, Treasurer and Clerk.
Members and friends are welcome to attend to observe the meetings or to add agenda items in advance of the meeting. Agendas are posted in the Congregational Documents section of the website in advance of the meeting.​
2024 Board of Trustees​
Barbara Elder (President)
Deirdre Duffy (Vice President/Clerk)
Paul Stewart (Treasurer)
Randi Allfather
Suse Robinson
Carol Benchley
Chris Hanson
Jan Ellsworth
Rev. Dr. Althea M. Smith, Minister
Volunteer Committees
Volunteers committees support and maintain the Meeting House building and congregation. Committees are a wonderful way to give and become connected.
Lay Led Service Committee
The Lay Led Service Committee meets to discern, design, plan and implement one Sunday service a month. Subjects are chosen from a broad field of interests. Congregants and guest speakers share these Sundays that culminate in an experience of congregational and island talent and wisdom.

Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee’s primary task is to present at the next annual meeting a list of nominees for all vacancies on the Board of Trustees

Building & Grounds Committee
The Buildings & Grounds Committee has primary responsibility for oversight of the physical condition of the Meeting House, the Parsonage, and the grounds. The B&G Committee enlists and coordinates the efforts of volunteers in making repairs and keeping up the buildings, grounds, and gardens.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Board on all matters relating to Church finances
Pledge Campaign Committee
The Pledge Committee is responsible for providing members with an opportunity to deepen their spiritual practice of generosity and community by giving to this Meeting House that strives to make a positive difference.
Growing Connections Between Friends & Members Committee
The mission of the Growing Connections Committee is to build and encourage community by supporting and recognizing current, new, and aspiring members and friends.
7th Principle Project
The group’s mission statement is as follows: We, the members of the 7th Principle Project, declare our commitment to responsible stewardship of this island and earth, our intention to maintain a forum for open, honest discussion, and the belief that strong community is the foundation for action. 7th Principle Project has contributed to the community and congregation in many ways. Visit the social justice page to learn more.
Make It Stop
Our Mission: Working to prevent gun violence through common sense legislation and committed action. We work to provide educational forums, write letters to government officials and offer vigils when needed to mourn and speak out.
Nantucket UU Animal Ministry
The Nantucket UU Animal Ministry supports the 7th Principle mission of - Respect for the Interdependent Web of Existence of which we are all a Part. As a member of the national UU Animal Ministry network (uuam.org), we lead, support and participate in animal and environmentally themed services, projects, and special events throughout the year.
Communications & Marketing Committee
A resource to the Board and committees that provides communications and
marketing advice and helps ensure the consistency of the messaging of those communications in order to attract participants and financial support. Additionally, inspire people to find their way to our values and mission in the effort to build a better world.
Provide a guide to our brand and messaging and help assure church communications are consistent with same.
Provide support on ways to raise funds, marketing strategies, etc.
If requested, offer C&MC support to those raising funds for the church.
Maintain and update marketing pamphlet. Track and report how many are taken.
Help each committee do what the members of that committee are passionate about.
Coffee Hour Committee
Our congregation practices the welcoming tradition of hospitality. The Hospitality Coordinator and others prepare coffee and set out cookies or other items for the after-service coffee hour on Sunday mornings.
Archives Committee:
The Mission of the Archivist is to collect, organize, preserve and protect the written, visual and aural records of the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House and to make them available for authorized consultation and use.​

World Explorers (WE) Committee
Our mission is to guide children and youth in a supportive and affirming educational environment in keeping with Unitarian Universalist principles, exposing them to many beliefs and cultures, and encouraging them to discern what is ethical and just in life. The World Explorers Committee members plan, design and evaluate curricula and events for the children’s program.​

South Church Preservation Fund (SCPF) Affiliate Organization
The SCPF is a separate 501(c)(3) organization for fundraising to support restoration and preservation of the historic Meeting House building and grounds. The board of SCPF is comprised of several representatives from the Nantucket UU congregation, plus others from the island. Learn more about the SCPF on their website.